
Write your own success story with a future-proof software architecture. Let us help you plan and deploy technology architecture to maximize scalability and performance.

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Software Architecture – Elastic, Robust and Flexible Software Landscape

Is your business changing faster than your IT will allow? Does the outdated IT architecture of your existing applications prevent you from adequately and quickly supporting new business opportunities? If so, you should rethink your IT architecture. But be careful. Not all new architecture trends are necessarily better than the old ones. And some architecture hype even turns out to be a dead end later on.

Our understanding of collaboration

Our expertise in software architectures is one part of it. This is completed by our understanding of shared collaboration:

  • Quality-driven and customer-oriented projects.
  • An agile mindset with values such as courage, trust, openness and honesty
  • Using proven principles and technologies in concept and implementation
  • Independent and pragmatic decision making for choosing the best way forward
  • Reliable support from kick-off to production launch
  • Shared handling of all challenges

Our Software Architecture Services

Our advice: Before you decide to change your IT architecture, you should carry out a review of your existing architecture. Based on these results, we can then decide together on one of several options for application modernization and then walk that path together.

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Architectural Review

Evaluate your architecture based on well-founded quality criteria. With the help of our architectural review, you can plan your next steps with confidence. Working together, we assess the suitability of your architecture according to your architectural goals and against scenario-based quality criteria.

Our approach

You decide how long the review will take. Depending on your needs, it can be from one day to several weeks.

Step 1 – Setting the goal

In the first step, we define the goal and framework with you. Based on your architectural goals and mutually described quality scenarios, we work with you to frame the questions.

Step 2 – Agreement

In the second step, we get an overview of sources, documents, wiki content, code base, infrastructure descriptions, stakeholders and/or contact persons regarding architecture issues. We then work with you to develop a roadmap.

Step 3 – Delivery

We then compile core architecture deliverables based on a customized arc42 architecture template. We review provided materials, conduct interviews, and consult with additional experts as needed. Usually, the deliverables include a high-level architecture description, a component diagram with key architecture components, and a description of the infrastructure.

Step 4 – Software development process review including code (optional)

If required, we make a comparison to find out to what extent the architecture goals and specifications were also taken into account in this software development. We evaluate the code quality as well as the software development process – using agile or test-driven development as well as continuous delivery and deployment.

Step 5 – Results / Next Steps

In the final step, we recap the review results, present the findings to you, and plan the next steps.

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Application Architecture

Architecture that Fits Like a Glove

With ever-new technologies and increasingly shorter innovation cycles, do you sometimes feel that your business is changing faster than your IT? Then it’s time to rethink your IT architecture. But be careful! Not every new architectural trend is necessarily better than the old one. What’s crucial are your requirements.

Whether it’s about planning the development of an application landscape, designing the structure for an application in your own data center, or utilizing cloud computing: Our experts know which solution is best for you.

Among other things, we offer practical advice on:

  • The principles of Twelve-Factor Apps
  • Microservice architectures
  • Event-driven architectures
  • Cloud-Native architectures
  • Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
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If you would like to learn good software architecture basics yourself, we would be happy to train you to become a Certified Professional for Software Architecture Foundation Level (CPSA-F). This is the international standard for training and certification in software architecture as defined by the international Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB).

Your benefits through Software Architecture deployment

  • Increase deployed software solutions flexibility
  • Boost efficiency and generate cost savings
  • Improve application stability
  • Manage the complexity of your software landscape

Our Software Architecture Process Model

Develop your system using the Twin Peaks Model, which seamlessly combines requirements and architecture. Leverage user stories to capture and implement key requirements. Continuous stakeholder feedback and design revisions result in clear architecture goals. Software architecture stabilizes as knowledge increases. Avoid high costs due to inappropriate upfront designs and misguided developments.

Our clients

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In external trade publications, whitepapers, and our company’s own blog, our experts provide insightful insights into their thinking and work processes.

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We love to collaborate, find solutions together, and bring exciting projects to life. We look forward to assisting you with your needs. Just reach out to us!

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